Pandas Dataframe

9 minute read

Basic Concepts

# let's first import all the libraries needed for this tutorial

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

The primary data structures in pandas are implemented as two classes:

DataFrame, which you can imagine as a relational data table, with rows and named columns. Series, which is a single column. A DataFrame contains one or more Series and a name for each Series.

day = ['Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday' ]
first_sell = [100, 120, 310, 400, 90, 29, 30]
# to merge these two list we will use zip function
flower_sell = list(zip(day,first_sell))
[('Friday', 100),
 ('Saturday', 120),
 ('Sunday', 310),
 ('Monday', 400),
 ('Tuesday', 90),
 ('Wednesday', 29),
 ('Thursday', 30)]
# Great, we have created our dataset. Let's use pandas do some magic
df = pd.DataFrame(data = flower_sell, columns=['day', 'sell'] )
# df is for dataframe
day sell
0 Friday 100
1 Saturday 120
2 Sunday 310
3 Monday 400
4 Tuesday 90
5 Wednesday 29
6 Thursday 30
# we just have created pandas dataframe
# let's do similar with pandas series
day = pd.Series(['Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday' ])
first_sell = pd.Series([100, 120, 310, 400, 90, 29, 30])

flower_sell = pd.DataFrame({'Day': day, 'Sell1': first_sell})
Day Sell1
0 Friday 100
1 Saturday 120
2 Sunday 310
3 Monday 400
4 Tuesday 90
5 Wednesday 29
6 Thursday 30
# let's add another column for 2nd sell
flower_sell['Sell2'] = pd.Series([128, 230, 120, 231, 901, 140, 41])
Day Sell1 Sell2
0 Friday 100 128
1 Saturday 120 230
2 Sunday 310 120
3 Monday 400 231
4 Tuesday 90 901
5 Wednesday 29 140
6 Thursday 30 41

accessing data

0    100
1    120
2    310
3    400
4     90
5     29
6     30
Name: Sell1, dtype: int64
0       Friday
1     Saturday
2       Sunday
3       Monday
4      Tuesday
5    Wednesday
6     Thursday
Name: Day, dtype: object
0    128
1    230
2    120
3    231
Name: Sell2, dtype: int64
6     Thursday
5    Wednesday
4      Tuesday
3       Monday
2       Sunday
1     Saturday
0       Friday
Name: Day, dtype: object

Manipulating Data

flower_sell['Total_Sell'] = flower_sell['Sell1'] + flower_sell['Sell2']
Day Sell1 Sell2 Total_Sell
0 Friday 100 128 228
1 Saturday 120 230 350
2 Sunday 310 120 430
3 Monday 400 231 631
4 Tuesday 90 901 991
5 Wednesday 29 140 169
6 Thursday 30 41 71
# Now we can add another column as average sell
flower_sell['average_sell'] = flower_sell['Total_Sell']/2
Day Sell1 Sell2 Total_Sell average_sell
0 Friday 100 128 228 114.0
1 Saturday 120 230 350 175.0
2 Sunday 310 120 430 215.0
3 Monday 400 231 631 315.5
4 Tuesday 90 901 991 495.5
5 Wednesday 29 140 169 84.5
6 Thursday 30 41 71 35.5
# Let's save this file
flower_sell.to_csv('mysell', index='False',header='Small Business')


Both Series and DataFrame objects also define an index property that assigns an identifier value to each Series item or DataFrame row.

By default, at construction, pandas assigns index values that reflect the ordering of the source data. Once created, the index values are stable; that is, they do not change when data is reordered.

RangeIndex(start=0, stop=7, step=1)
flower_sell.reindex([2, 6, 4])
Day Sell1 Sell2 Total_Sell average_sell
2 Sunday 310 120 430 215.0
6 Thursday 30 41 71 35.5
4 Tuesday 90 901 991 495.5

Working with large dataset

So far we have created a small dataframe and have done some basic operation on it. Let’s work with large amount of data. You can downlaod any dataset with google dataset search. I have a csv file which I have donwloaded from We will look into this and will perform some operation in it.

# First thing first, we need to read the file
# let's specify the location

location = r'C:\Users\ICT_H\Desktop\Machine Learning\File\train1.csv'
home_data = pd.read_csv(location)
# to describe the data we can do the following command
Id LotArea YearBuilt TotalBsmtSF BedroomAbvGr YrSold SalePrice
count 1460.000000 1460.000000 1460.000000 1460.000000 1460.000000 1460.000000 1460.000000
mean 730.500000 10516.828082 1971.267808 1057.429452 2.866438 2007.815753 180921.195890
std 421.610009 9981.264932 30.202904 438.705324 0.815778 1.328095 79442.502883
min 1.000000 1300.000000 1872.000000 0.000000 0.000000 2006.000000 34900.000000
25% 365.750000 7553.500000 1954.000000 795.750000 2.000000 2007.000000 129975.000000
50% 730.500000 9478.500000 1973.000000 991.500000 3.000000 2008.000000 163000.000000
75% 1095.250000 11601.500000 2000.000000 1298.250000 3.000000 2009.000000 214000.000000
max 1460.000000 215245.000000 2010.000000 6110.000000 8.000000 2010.000000 755000.000000
# to see only the first part of the dataset
Id LotArea YearBuilt TotalBsmtSF BedroomAbvGr YrSold SaleType SalePrice
0 1 8450 2003 856 3 2008 WD 208500
1 2 9600 1976 1262 3 2007 WD 181500
2 3 11250 2001 920 3 2008 WD 223500
3 4 9550 1915 756 3 2006 WD 140000
4 5 14260 2000 1145 4 2008 WD 250000
# You can specify how many row you want to display. By default it's 5

home_data.head(10) # I want to display 10 raw
Id LotArea YearBuilt TotalBsmtSF BedroomAbvGr YrSold SaleType SalePrice
0 1 8450 2003 856 3 2008 WD 208500
1 2 9600 1976 1262 3 2007 WD 181500
2 3 11250 2001 920 3 2008 WD 223500
3 4 9550 1915 756 3 2006 WD 140000
4 5 14260 2000 1145 4 2008 WD 250000
5 6 14115 1993 796 1 2009 WD 143000
6 7 10084 2004 1686 3 2007 WD 307000
7 8 10382 1973 1107 3 2009 WD 200000
8 9 6120 1931 952 2 2008 WD 129900
9 10 7420 1939 991 2 2008 WD 118000
# how about to look at the end of our dataset. We can do so by following

Id LotArea YearBuilt TotalBsmtSF BedroomAbvGr YrSold SaleType SalePrice
1455 1456 7917 1999 953 3 2007 WD 175000
1456 1457 13175 1978 1542 3 2010 WD 210000
1457 1458 9042 1941 1152 4 2010 WD 266500
1458 1459 9717 1950 1078 2 2010 WD 142125
1459 1460 9937 1965 1256 3 2008 WD 147500
# we can visualize particular column as well



saleprice = home_data['SalePrice']

NumPy is a popular toolkit for scientific computing. pandas Series can be used as arguments to most NumPy functions:

np.log(saleprice) # to get the logarithmic value of salaprice
0       12.247694
1       12.109011
2       12.317167
3       11.849398
4       12.429216
5       11.870600
6       12.634603
7       12.206073
8       11.774520
9       11.678440
10      11.771436
11      12.751300
12      11.877569
13      12.540758
14      11.964001
15      11.790557
16      11.911702
17      11.407565
18      11.976659
19      11.842229
20      12.692503
21      11.845103
22      12.345835
23      11.774520
24      11.944708
25      12.454104
26      11.811547
27      12.631340
28      12.242887
29      11.134589
1430    12.165980
1431    11.875831
1432    11.074421
1433    12.136187
1434    11.982929
1435    12.066811
1436    11.699405
1437    12.885671
1438    11.916389
1439    12.190959
1440    12.160029
1441    11.913713
1442    12.644328
1443    11.703546
1444    12.098487
1445    11.767568
1446    11.969717
1447    12.388394
1448    11.626254
1449    11.429544
1450    11.820410
1451    12.567551
1452    11.884489
1453    11.344507
1454    12.128111
1455    12.072541
1456    12.254863
1457    12.493130
1458    11.864462
1459    11.901583
Name: SalePrice, Length: 1460, dtype: float64
saleprice.apply(lambda val: val > 100000)
0        True
1        True
2        True
3        True
4        True
5        True
6        True
7        True
8        True
9        True
10       True
11       True
12       True
13       True
14       True
15       True
16       True
17      False
18       True
19       True
20       True
21       True
22       True
23       True
24       True
25       True
26       True
27       True
28       True
29      False
1430     True
1431     True
1432    False
1433     True
1434     True
1435     True
1436     True
1437     True
1438     True
1439     True
1440     True
1441     True
1442     True
1443     True
1444     True
1445     True
1446     True
1447     True
1448     True
1449    False
1450     True
1451     True
1452     True
1453    False
1454     True
1455     True
1456     True
1457     True
1458     True
1459     True
Name: SalePrice, Length: 1460, dtype: bool

Dealing with missing data

Let’s create a pandas dataframe with missing data

name = pd.Series(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'])
price = pd.Series([10, 20, 15])
missing_data = pd.DataFrame({'Name': name, 'Price': price}) 
Name Price
0 a 10.0
1 b 20.0
2 c 15.0
3 d NaN
4 e NaN
5 f NaN
0    False
1    False
2    False
3     True
4     True
5     True
Name: Price, dtype: bool
# we can fill missing values with: fillna() method
missing_data['Price'].fillna(0) # to fill with 0
0    10.0
1    20.0
2    15.0
3     0.0
4     0.0
5     0.0
Name: Price, dtype: float64
0         10
1         20
2         15
3    missing
4    missing
5    missing
Name: Price, dtype: object

We can’t build model with missing value. There are several ways to deal with missing value while building model. I will discuss about it in my future post. If you want to learn more about pandas: visit: